Thursday, August 28, 2014

Current Event (First Assignment)

Air Pollution from Asia affecting world's weather

Summary - (posted 01/21/2014)
Growing in the industrialized world, Asia, plays a huge role in the large and extreme amounts of air pollution that is affecting the world's weather and climate patterns. According to atmospheric researchers and scientists, Yuan Wang, Renyi Zhang and R. Saravanan, have proved through the use of many models and their research that a lot of the air pollution is being produced in the continent of Asia, particularly from China. All the air pollution has caused a huge amount of cloud formations, increased precipitation, higher storm intensity, and other factors that have significantly impacted the climate. Pollution from Asia has greatly impacted the world and it's natural resources. China's industrial growth, building of multiple manufacturing factories, industrial plants, and power plants have emitted large amounts of pollutants causing an ever growing pollution problem that is becoming difficult by the day to solve. 

Human Impact - The human impact through this significant event has it's positive and negative effects. Positive effects include a wide range of research opportunities for young scientists who want to find solutions to problems such as the pollution caused by Asia and job opportunities for those that step up to take a stand for the destruction occurring towards the environment. Negative effects include that if their is action taken place against the pollution occurring in China than many people would in turn loose their jobs because they would want to limit manufacturing and factory work. Other negative effects for humans would include sickness and exposure to unhealthy living conditions which is caused by the amount of pollution in the air. 

Environmental Impact -  The environment is usually altered by people and their certain way of living. The environmental impact includes climate/temperature changes, which in turn results in abnormal everyday temperatures causing sickness in people and animals. The pollution also causes large amounts of precipitation which is good but can also result in droughts and the destruction of crops and many agricultural related growth. Another effect is a trending issue of global warming. Global Warming is increasing rapidly and consequences occurring from pollution is changing the environment. The environmental change can lead to the disappearance of many species and life in general. 

Economic Impact - A huge economic impact includes a loss of money for research to look for solutions when the solution is crystal clear. To reduce pollution and its environmental effects, one must in turn reduce the emissions they put out into the air. Abiding by a solution and trying to reduce pollution, in turn, would cause a decrease in the mass production of resources and everyday necessities that people buy on a daily basis. If pollution decreases than manufacturing decreases. If manufacturing is decreased than resources decreases, which causes the economy to lose huge profits and an increase in taxes to provide the government with enough funds to sustain the nation or particular state, country. 

Government Legislation - Governmental legislation became a huge factor in trying to reduce the deadly risks of air pollution occurring in China. A city in China, Beijing passes anti pollution laws banning the construction of new oil refining, steel, cement, and thermal power plants as well as the expansion of many existing projects. This law was passed in order to protect the people of Beijing and neighboring areas around the city. This legislation has definitely sparked a talk in countries around the world to reduce the pollution that is destroying our world.