Friday, December 12, 2014

Unit 6 Blog - Dirt on Dirt

Unit Vocabulary- 

Asthenosphere - the upper layer of the Earth's mantle (half solid, half liquid)

Lithosphere - the rigid outer part of the Earth (rocky and basically the crust)

Plate Tectonics - when plates slide, hit, or collide with one another resulting in the formation of mountainous structures and underlying sea creations

Tectonic Cycle - the cycle or process of making a seafloor and mountains 

Divergent Plate Boundaries - boundaries or two tectonic plates moving away from each other 
Convergent Plate Boundaries -boundaries or two or more tectonic plates or parts of the lithosphere that move toward one another and collide
Transform Fault Boundary - when the lithosphere is neither created nor destroyed but in fact the boundaries are found on the sea floor connecting segments of diverging mid ocean ridges
Physical Weathering - geological process of the breaking down of rocks 

Chemical Weathering - the erosion or disintegration of rocks caused chemically rather than mechanically 

Erosion - rock or inorganic matter being destructed or obliterated by elements such as wind, water, or other natural agents

Deposition - a particular type of sediment being preserved in rocks through the process of lithification

Cation Exchange Capacity - total capacity of a soil to hold exchangeable cations. It effects the soils' ability to hold nutrients 

Base Saturation - the basic content or hydroxide ions in soil exchange cites
Soil Degradation - decline in soil quality caused by improper use of chemicals and daily actions  

Ores - solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral/chemical can be extracted for increased income means only

Big Picture Reflection-  

Human Impact:
Humans impact the environment and soil in many ways. The agricultural uses of processes such as slash and burn techniques exhaust the land and deplete the surrounding soil. The development of agricultural means and ways has, however, created opportunities to keep soil and the environment fertile and healthy. Humans also destruct good fertile soil areas to create infrastructure, buildings, and other everyday necessary locations. This prevents growth of the land and decreasing amounts of available soil. Human impact in the environment is beneficial because humans plant seeds to grow plants and also provide fertilizers and nutrients to better improvise the quality and contents of the soil. 
Economic Impact:
Economic impacts include the disruption of the economy from natural disasters. Also overusing or exhausting the soil would cause destruction of the environment but also increased weathering and erosion resulting in a higher amount of money to redevelop and refurbish the soil and surrounding land. Plate tectonics shifting and colliding also can cause earthquakes which can disrupt the daily lives of people and their homes. Also volcanoes erupting and occurring can result in the destruction of people's homes and cause cleaning up and reconstruction to be extremely expensive. The extraction of minerals and resources also uses up a lot of the money provided by the government.

Environmental Impact:
Environmental impacts include soil erosion, a lack of nutrients, the weathering of rocks, and many natural disasters hurting the environment. When volcanoes erupt and occur, the lava or magma creates a large layer of solid rock, burning the soil with its high and increased levels of temperature and the ash can also cause chemicals and gases to be exposed to people in the environment. Although, the area does return to its original state, the remnants and effects remain. Earthquakes and Tsunamis can wipe out vegetation, farming land, shelters, and infrastructure. Depending on the intensity of the environmental impact, detrimental effects can be proven to be negative or positive impacts can also result and be observed. Such as the increase of plant production, or the decrease of weathering and erosion through the use of prevention chemicals and care for the environment.
Government Legislation:
Government legislation that has impacted the soil, environment, and sea life include the Earthquake Hazard Reduction Act of 1977. This act established a group called the National Earthquake Hazard reduction Program and from it many other agencies have formed. The group and act works towards providing relief to destructive disasters such as Earthquakes. The Federal Emergency Management Agency also plays a huge rule in providing aid and teaching skills to communities that need the help and guidance to better prepare and help themselves live a healthy lifestyle and prevent the destruction of the environment. These government acts and agencies help better incorporate an increased ability, capacity and opportunity to benefit the environment and economy.