Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Unit 4 Blog - APES

Vocabulary - 

Species Richness - is the number of species living in a particular environment, community or group

Species Evenness - (the diversity index) refers to the proximity of the quantity of species in a given environment
Microevolution - the change within a species or small group of organisms within an environment overall a small period of time
Macroevolution - is a ginormous evolutionary change in which there is an origin of new types of species

Evolution by Natural Selection - is one of the basic mechanisms of evolution in that it states that more individuals are produced each generation that can survive

Evolution by Artificial Selection - is the unoriginal evolution in which plants and animals are intentionally bred in order to produce species and living organisms that are preferred by humans

Allopatric Speciation - is speciation by geographic isolation in which organisms are not allowed to mate on a regular basis causing the lineage or generation to speciate

Sympatric Speciation - is the process through which new living species or organisms evolve from a single ancestral species while being in the same location or environment

Genetically Modified Organisms - are plants and animals that have been genetically created with DNA from bacteria, viruses, or other animals and plants to combine different genes and create different species with a variety of traits

Fundamental Niche - this is where a specific species or indiviual organism lives or resides without any competition or force

Exponential Growth Model - is a visual representation of any quantity of species that grows or decays by a fixed percent or regular interval

Logistic Growth Model - is a visual representation for a quantity that increases rapidly at first and than more slowly as the quantity approaches an upper limit. This is only used when there is widespread or extreme situations

Carrying Capacity - the number of living organisms or crops that a region can support without the obliteration of the environment.

Keystone Species - a particular species on which other species in an ecosystem largely depend on and if removed from an ecosystem it causes extreme and drastic negative changes in the environment 
Current Events (Biodiversity Hotspots)

A biodiversity hotspot is an area that is home to many living and endemic species. These species reside in these particular areas and often need biological attention because there can be a loss of biodiversity  

My particular hotspot is generally located in the great mountain system of Asia forming a barrier between the Plateau of Tibet to the north and other plains of the Indian subcontinent to the south. The Himalayas themselves include some of the highest mountains in the world for example Mount Everest. Other places and locations around the mountain range are Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Tibet (China). 

An endemic species is one that is only found in a specific or particular region and cannot be found anywhere else in the world because it is isolated and resides only in that location. Their habitat is restricted to that one specific area and are not widespread. Endemic plants in the Himalaya Hotspot are located in the Eastern Himalayan broadleaf forests which is temperate and found near the middle elevations of the Himalayan mountains. These forests are rich in abundant resources and cover a large area. One such example of an endemic plant is the Himalayan Maple. (Acer Campbellii) These plants are diverse and can be categorized as species rich. They also belong from the Indomalayan, Indochinese, Himalayan, Eastern Asiatic and even the Gondwanan origin. An example of an endemic animal is the Brown-capped Laughingthrush also known as the Trochalopteron austeni. It is found more towards the India and Myanmar part of the Himalayas and its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist in montane forests. 

The reasons why biodiversity is decreasing around the Himalayans has a lot to do with its location. Being close and near the equator creates a transition zone between the Palearctic and Indo Malayan realms. Species from both places are represented in the particular hotspot. In addition to straddling between two zones. The hotspot itself has many geological, climatic and altitudinal variations causing topographic complexity and contributing tothe diversity of the mountains. Other causes include human population growth, habitat destruction, pollution, agriculture, and global warming

To protect the Himalayan Hotspot the Living Himalayas Initiative are helping to protect  restore and reconnect natural landscapes across the Eastern Himalayas  Their specific and general aim is to make sure of the fact that each and every plant and animal species can grow and thrive. Local communities around the area are able maintain their livelihood as well through the Initiative because it offers jobs and employment opportunities. This includes the sustainable use of natural resources from forests, grasslands, and freshwater systems.

Pick a Side - 

There are many factors that lead to species extinction that include rapid environmental change. This includes precipitation, habitat destruction, over harvesting, temperature, climate change, the introduction of invasive species, and emerging diseases. This usually leads to many developing adaptations not only into the environment, but the climate and in species. Environmental changes play a huge role in species extinction as well, but extinction and genetic diversity go hand in hand in that the more diverse the less extinction is likely to occur and if plants and animals are not able to adjust and adapt than that proves to be the end of their era. This is known as natural selection. Natural selection favors different phenotypes in a habitat or environment. If individuals cannot adjust or adapt than they will not be able to carry forth the life and hardships each ecosystem has to offer. Extinction can either be of complete destruction or can lead to isolation and over time species not being able to survive causing geographic isolation. This is known as reproductive isolation and can help lessen the factor and process of extinction. The only way to get rid of extinction by all means through reduction of higher level species so that lower levels can survive. A niche specialist would be beneficial in the environment because they can thrive in any environmental condition with a reduced or limited diet. This would not only be a solution to solving extinction problems but would also allow for the conservation of resources.

Big Picture Reflection - 

Human Impact: Humans play a huge role in the how, what, when, where, and why factors of ecosystems and environments. They both negatively and positively influence biodiversity. They provide changes and can alter the environment through means such as contamination, process of dumping waste, littering, and actions of not reusing, reducing, or recycle. Human actions all around the world can become a huge problem for endemic and regular species but humans have also provided means such as influenced evolution to provide those species and their traits that we favor to be a part of something bigger and better. Evolution can be increased through human work and if continued scientific research works then promoting the ideas of positive benefits to the environment will benefit ecosystems, plants and animal species. 

Environmental Impact: There are many significant impacts on the development of new species and environments. The evolution, whether original or not, can make a drastic change in the environment. Species richness and evenness all are dependent upon evolution. Environmental Impacts can occur through many means such as GMC's and the use of fertilizers or other pesticides. The more diversity and quantity of species in the environment the better living and residing conditions there will be in the area or community. The environment most importantly just needs for every plant animal or species even to function properly in order to continue and process changes and adaptations. 

Economic Impact: There are many economic impacts that play a huge role in how everything works, such as pest control, nutrient provision, altering genetic diversity, disease prevention control, and pollination to further benefit the agricultural and forest industry to prosper. By altering the environment such as adding or removing a specific factor the economic impact can either prove to be beneficial or consequential. The extinction of species also causes a hindrance in the ecosystem and food pyramid resulting in more money for acts legislations, protection, conservation, and so many more things. Genetically Modified Crops also play a huge role in promoting and producing revenue for the environment. 

Governmental Legislation: There are many legislations such as the Threatened Species Conservation Act that provides for the conservation and protection of plants and animal species. This is definitely necessary because we need species whether they be plant or animals, but we need them in order to function our environment properly and the legislation would do exactly that. Another legislation is the Endangered Species Act which has been around for many years now since about 1973. The act not only promoted CITES, another legislation, but also provides yet again the conservation of species that are endangered or threatened by their existence. 

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